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The essential by Versatile

Revigorez votre intérieur : Ménage de printemps et déco printanière

Invigorate your interior: Spring cleaning and decor

Spring has arrived and who says spring, says desire for freshness and renewal. Now is the perfect time to give your home a facelift by doing the famous “spring cleaning”. But while we're at it, why not take the opportunity to breathe new life into your space by adding a few touches of more summery decoration? 
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Décorer sans trop de tracas

Decorate without too much hassle

Too many times, I've talked about interior design with someone and been told "I don't really have any decor in my house because I don't know how to decorate", or, " I have no ideas, I don't know what to do for decoration". If this is also your case, well, I have some suggestions for you! Obviously, I'm not talking about big renovations, but rather some ideas so that you can bring a little touch of design to your rooms.   1- Plants     Plants are a great addition to bring life and warmth to a room. Whether you have...

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